Lubben Vineyards
The beginning of high brow wines
Family Owned
This all started when Judy and Dan’s youngest son started brewing beer. He talked them into trying a wine kit. Then Judy talked him into taking a class at Kirkwood….and here we are.
“With the support of our family, we have embarked on a journey that has led us to meet some truly amazing people in an industry that many have yet to understand. The Iowa Wine Industry. Iowa grapes make more than sweet wine. Come join us on the vineyard for a tasting and we’ll prove it!”

Our Wines
Our white wines while dry are nice, easy, light drinking wines. Each with it’s own unique characteristics. We have produced wines from Iowa grapes grown in our vineyard. We have kept them dry with no residual sugar. Most have been on oak for at least 2 weeks. While most of our wines are dry, we know that there are a lot of people looking for a sweet wine. We now offer semi sweet and sweet fruit wines for you to enjoy.
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